Shareholder’s Agreement
As a “member” of Masa Madre, someone who orders food and other goods from The Masa Madre, LCC, you agree to the following:
-Our products are both a physical good and a service. Meaning, services are considered rendered and serviced upon receipt.
-When you order a product or service, you agree to pay in advance for the product/service.
-For Meal Shares, this means paying at the time the share is ordered.
-It is your responsibility to pick-up or arrange delivery for goods, during the stated pick-up and delivery times.
-We respect the relationship to the Earth and to the eatth-keepers, farmers in all we do. We pay farmers a living wage for their goods, and are prices reflect this.
-If you are in need of food, we will feed you. We will treat you with the respects and dignity your deserve. Please reach out to us directly, to get you on the ordering system.